The ultimate goal of empirical health care is to provide contemporary finest evidence on clinical practical care for general health of people around the world. Knowledge translation is an implementation strategy, and share decision making is a way of providing empirical clinical care. The team of this article chose the most decision-making experienced by women of natural birth when they chose to accept epidural analgesia during labor as a topic. Firstly, survey the opinions of users, and construct the decision-making aids for this topic through the systematic literature search method of empirical care. Hence construct the procedure in order to enable staff to understand the actual application method. After applying it in an actual environment, and through three quality improvement methods; amendments to the procedure; revision of decision-making aids; and we finally achieve the goal to implement clinical application, and fulfill the clinical service. We hope this article can provide other teams as a reference for the translation of empirical knowledge when shared decision-making between the clinical practice and patients.
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