This article describes the nursing experience of a woman with developmental hip hypoplasia who had to undergone a total hip replacement surgery that puts great pressure on the prognosis and sexual life style. During nursing period, from March 11th to 15th, 2018, using observations, conversation to communicate with the patient; listening for subjective and objective data collection. The author uses Gordon's Eleven Functional Health Models to make a holistic assessment, and the case was diagnosed to have several nursing issues including acute pain, physical dysfunction, anxiety, lack of knowledge about sexual life patterns, and disturbance of body and mental images. In addition to supply painkillers and self-controlled pain relief during the nursing process, also coach deep breathing methods, listening to favorite music and videos as well as using aromatherapy to relieve postoperative pain. In conjunction with the Rehabilitation Department, assist in teaching and demonstrating the proper usage of assistive devices and precautions when walking. Encourage the boyfriend to participate in the project with the patient, provide graphic explanations of the postoperative sexual posture of the hip joint, and assist the client to adjust sexual life patterns with the boyfriend. In addition to provide physical and mental care for hip surgery, nursing staff should also pay attention to issues in regards to sexual life. It is recommended that on-the-job education to reinforce in the relevant sexual consultation courses so that nursing staff can also provide relevant advice and care when dealing with this type of health issues. It is hoped that by sharing this care experience will provide a reference to similar cases in order to improve the quality of care.
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