The aging population has leaded an increase in the demand for long-term care of the disabled elderly. With the establishment of long-term care system in Taiwan, the number of long-term care recipients has gradually expanding and the care services becoming more diversified. In order to provide care services appropriately and timely with the limited care resources, integrated care management mechanism plays an important role. In the last decades, the effectiveness of the long-term care management system had focused on the usage of services and satisfaction. However there are very few specific reports about the impact of substantive care. Therefore this article employs systematic literature review to explore the effectiveness of care management system on long-term care. The databases include PubMed, EBSCO, ProQest, HyRead Journal, Huayin Online Library and National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertation in Taiwan. A total of seven studies were retrieved and incorporated in this study. The results indicate that despite those differences in long-term care management methods in various countries, the usage of the care management system in elderly cases has no effect on the mortality rate; while the cases subjectively feel their health status got better, physical activity and cognitive function improve, depression mitigate, medical expenses or rehospitalization rate drop, and reduction on the physical burden of family caregivers. Based on the preliminary findings, we hope it may provide as a reference to implement integrated community long-term care service system, strengthen the long-term care management system, and supply more efficient care services to improve the quality of care in the future.
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