


Application of Nursing Innovation "Easy Go Strap" in Clinical Nursing Practice




孫婉娜(Wan-Na Sun);陳映儒(Ying-Ju Chen);林怡君(Yi-Jun Lin)


護理創新 ; 背帶 ; 病人安全 ; 管路固定 ; nursing innovation ; strap ; patient safety ; tube fixations




23卷1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


104 - 114




住院病人時常一手尿袋、一手柺杖,或是將引流袋懸掛在點滴架或拐杖上,但常因為手腳不協調或被管路絆倒情況下發生異常事件,現有導管固定方式多為褲裝(裙)或其他管路固定裝置,但清潔易有死角增加感染風險,且穿脫複雜增加使用難度,本研究以『病人好便利、好上手,且護理師易使用』理念研發,此多功能背帶利用兩端鈕扣調整背帶長度,適用於任何管路,不論居家或醫療院所病人皆可使用,加上成本低廉、適用任何身形護理師在衛教過程中不需考量病人身形選擇大小,加上衛教簡易增加使用意願,研究團隊針對產品陸續改良至第四版,並提供病房區30位病人進行試用,平均年齡為65.6歲(SD 7.35歲),以女性(n=16人;53.3%)、內科(n=22人;73.33%)、管路以導尿管為主(n=18人;60%)試用天數平均4.8天(SD 1.35天),總分平均為18.6分(SD 1.83分),達到正向肯定。


It's usual for inpatients to carry a urine bag in one hand and a crutch in another, or hang the drainage bag on the drip holder or crutches. However, unpredicted events often occur due to uncoordinated hands and feet or chances of tripping over the tube taken place. Most of existing methods of catheter fixation include those that fixed onto trousers (or skirts) or other tube fixation devices, but cleaning is prone to dead corners that increase the risk of infection, and the complexity of putting on and taking off made it hard to use the device. This research is developed based on the concept of "patients convenience, easy to learn, and also easy for nursing staffs to operate". This multifunctional strap uses buttons on both ends to adjust the length of the strap. It is suitable for any pipeline, regardless of whether the patient is at home or in a medical institution. Besides, the cost is low and the nursing staffs do not need to consider patients' body shape and the simple health education increases the willingness of usage. The research team has upgraded the product to the fourth edition, and provided the device to 30 patients in the ward for trial. The average age of trial case is 65.6 years, (SD 7.35 years), with females (n=16; 53.3%) and internal medicine (n=22;73.33%), tube is mainly for urinary purpose (n=18 people; 60%), the average trial days is 4.8 days (SD 1.35 days), and the total score is 18.6 points (SD 1.83 points), that concluded the research with a positive affirmation.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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