This case study aims to report the nursing experience of a male brain tumor postoperative case, and the nursing period was from November 4 to December 4 in 2019. Through techniques such as direct care, observations, conversations and physical assessments for data collection; by applying Gordon11 Functional Health Patterns to establish health problems such as changes in urination patterns, anxiety, tension in caregiver roles and so on. Through cooperation between integrated medical teams, bladder training is given according to the doctor's advice, health education is offered and drug treatment is provided to remove the urinary catheter successfully. During occupational therapy, add drawing session that the patient is good at for hand functional training, adjust the breathing training according to the situation, and assist the patient remove the tracheostomy tube as soon as possible. Incorporate psychologists and religious intervention to provide care, listen to the case to reduce his anxiety regarding uncertainty in the future. Through teaching and responding, assist caregivers to initiate caring for the case, and prompted the patient to return back to family life. It is hoped that this care experience sharing will provide a reference to clinical care.
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衛生福利部統計處(2019,11 月 20日)‧107 年死因統計結果分析。https://dep.mohw.gov.tw/dos/lp-4472-113.html。