
運用THREE M魔法棒提升早產兒由口進食能力


Application of THREE M Magic Wand to Improve Premature Infants' Ability to Oral Feeding




余培筠(Pei-Yun Yu);許瑀倢(Yu-Chieh Hsu);許湘鈴(Hsiang-Ling Hsu);游雅蘭(Ya-Lan Yu)


早產兒 ; 餵食困難 ; 口腔刺激 ; premature ; feeding difficulty ; oral stimulation




24卷4期(2023 / 12 / 01)


147 - 154




早產兒由於發育未成熟或疾病等因素,導致臨床上約有80%早產兒有餵食困難的問題,若長期使用胃管灌食易導致神經發展延遲及感覺異常,延長住院天數,提高返家照顧的難度,已有多篇研究證實早期介入口腔刺激如口腔按摩、非營養性吸吮、音樂治療等方法,可提升早產兒及嬰幼兒由口進食能力,且對於未來發展有顯著成長,故本小組發揮創意將口腔按摩、非營養性吸吮、音樂治療等三項口腔刺激方法融合製作成有效、易推廣且具個別性的THREE M(Mouth、Music、Massage)魔法棒,使早產兒有效提升由口進食能力,減少醫療成本浪費,進而提升醫療照護品質。


Clinically, about 80% of premature infants experience feeding difficulties owing to factors such as immaturity or diseases. The long-term use of gastric tube feeding may simply result in delayed neurological development and paresthesia, prolong the length of hospital stay, and increase the difficulty of returning to home care. Moreover, many studies have verified that early interventions of oral stimulations, such as oral massage, non-nutritive sucking, and music therapy will improve the ability of oral feeding for premature infants and babies, other than that there is also significant consequence on the improvement of their future development. Therefore, the research team applies creatively to combine three oral stimulation methods, including oral massage, non-nutritive sucking, and music therapy into an effective, easy-to-promote, as well as individualized THREE M magic wand. The magic wand effectively improved preterm infants' ability in oral feeding, reduced medical costs and wastages, and further improved healthcare quality.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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