


Insecurity of Job: The Employment Experience of Atypical Young Workers




謝文元(Wen-Yun Hsieh);李易駿(Yih-Jiunn Lee)


青年就業 ; 非典型就業 ; 勞動市場風險 ; Young Employment ; Atypical Employment ; Labour Market Risk




21期(2007 / 01 / 01)


1 - 53




在新自由主義思潮的影響下,西方主要國家自八○年代開始強調勞動市場彈性化、國家去管制化,致使勞工在就業市場中的力量明顯減弱,勞動市場大幅向雇主傾斜,進而改變勞動市場的結構。就業市場中非典型就業和低度就業人口比例增加,失業和長期失業的情形亦日益嚴重。失業和不穩定就業的情形已不僅限於弱勢人口群,甚至波及到剛從學校畢業、初入職場的青年。青年在面對勞動市場彈性化所伴隨而來的就業風險,不但傳統的穩定就業機會減少了,開放給青年的非典型就業機會,往往是不安全、不穩定的工作類型。 本研究所關心的是青年在具高度風險的勞動市場下其非典型就業經驗,並分析青年在此等非典型工作中所面臨的困境。本研究針對台灣地區20~29歲專科或大學畢業之青年,因未能找到合適的全職工作,過去或目前從事非典型工作者進行訪談,藉由訪談瞭解非典型就業青年的就業經驗。研究發現,多數的受訪青年乃係非自願而從事非典型工作,且部分青年從事非典型工作並非只是暫時性的,而是在不同的非典型工作之中做轉換或者流動;其次,受訪青年認為自己所從事的非典型工作相較於正職工作者而言,其工作的性質是缺乏自主、低技術的,工作所獲得的薪資較低、且缺乏福利保陣,更重要的是工作不穩定。


The labour market has been changed toward more flexible and insecure by the impact of neo-liberalism and globalization. As a result, unemployment and insecure employment are prevailing nowadays. It is an important issue whether an employee can get a stable and secure work or not in the given labour market. The purpose of this research is to probe into the employment experience of the atypical young workers in Taiwan. Interviews were used for data collection. The participants include 10 college graduated youths, aged 20-29, who devote or devoted themselves to atypical job due to the lack of appropriate full time job. The findings are as follows: (1) the youths devoted to atypical work are involuntary mostly; (2) there are nine ”low” features of atypical works, including wage, welfare, working status, working safety, connection, autonomy, skill, challenge, and stability; (3) they quitted their jobs either by their own choices or under certain pressure. Finally, implications and recommendations for policy makers and following researchers are also discussed and presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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