


Beyond Feminist Protection and Restriction Debate: Its Implications to the Issues of Women's Night Work and Overtime in Taiwan's Labor Standard Law




劉梅君(Mei-Chun Liu)


平等vs.差異 ; 保護vs.限制 ; 夜間工作 ; 延長工時 ; 女性主義 ; equality vs. difference ; protection vs. restriction ; feminism ; night work ; overtime




21期(2007 / 01 / 01)


55 - 90




在日漸強調男女平權的國際社會,女性保護性立法已逐一朝向解除保護的方向發展。這其中牽涉到女性主義陣營對於「平等對待」抑或「差異對待」的爭辯,也涉及處於不同發展階段的國家對此政策上的不同考量,然而回到女性作為主體的角度,究竟何種理論思維最符合女性的利益?女性主義陣營中的「平等論」及「差異論」主張,均有其理論思維上的缺憾。晚近社會正義典範轉型的討論,其關注焦點已從具體有形的物質層面,轉向決策、參與、機會、過程及權力結構的層面,對於吾人思考女性長久以來被排除於決策、參與及權力之外所導致的結構不利處境,提出相當有洞察力的批判。 本文藉由女性主義在這個議題上的精彩討論,回頭檢視我國勞動基率法在女性夜間工作及延長工時之修法過程的若干說法,究竟對女性夜間工作及延長工時男女一致化,是否能實質增進女性的工作權益,還是反倒令女性陷入更大的就業困境。女性在缺乏整體社會結構改善前,台灣採取「平等對待」的修法方向,究竟對女性勞工工作權益的實質影響為何?國際社會採取平等對待主張背後的社會發展脈絡,甚值我國研究及實務社群更多的關注。


Women workers' protection legislation has been challenged over the past decades leading to the repeal in most of the advanced countries where gender equality is promoted as one of the core vales of the society. The feminist debate on 'protection vs. restriction' has brought on much theoretical discussions and generated new concept and theorization of this issue. This paper reviews the discourses involved in the legislative process of women's night work as well as overtime articles modified in Taiwan's Labor Standard Law. Will women benefit or lose when women's night work and overtime regulation is modified to male workers' standard? This paper suggests 'equal treatment' could be adopted only when women's social conditions are considered and supports instituted.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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