


The Policy Evaluation of the Multiple Employment Initiatives in Kaohsiung Region: From the Perspective of Multi-Employment Organization




劉麗娟(Li-Chuan Liu);汪銘生(Ming-Shen Wang);黃國良(Gow-Liang Huang);王道鵬(Dow-Pong Wang);何柏正(Ber-Jeng Ho)


多元就業開發方案 ; 地方產業 ; 政策評估 ; Local Industry ; Multiple Emplyment Initiatives ; Policy Evaluation




25期(2009 / 09 / 01)


1 - 56




為解決921地震重建家園之需要、因應全球化影響下的產業外移及外在經濟環境之惡化所帶來的經濟衰退趨勢,勞委會參考歐盟「第三部門就業與地方發展計畫」(The Third System in Employment and Local Development)推動多元就業開發方案,期能以提升地方產業來降低失業衝擊與促進地方發展。本研究以2005年高雄地區經濟型多元就業團體為研究對象,從多元就業團體工作人員角度深入探討此政策欲達成之促進就業與發展產業的政策目標真實際執行現況間之差距及多元就業團體對多元就業開發方案之整體意見,結果發現:首先,各多元就業團體的現有營運狀況在經過多元就業方案之輔導後並未具備發展地方產業之能力,仍須大幅度改善;其次,在整體滿意度方面,以「民間團體與政府部門間促進就業之合作夥伴關係」及「政府協助民間團體提出具創意性、地方性及發展性計畫」兩項滿意度較高,「政府協助提升在地產業」及「政府協助失業者提升就業能力」之滿意度最低。根據上述研究結果顯示,多元就業開發方案之執行成效與「強化多元就業團體營運能力」、「發展地方產業」的政策目標仍有一段相當的距離。


To solve the 921 earthquake reconstruction needs and responding to globalization, CLA (Council of Labor Affairs) reference to the EU ”The Third System in Employment and Local Development” to promote the development of multi-employment program view to upgrading local industries, reduce the impact of unemployment and the promotion of local development. The results of this research: First, it need to improvement between the current situation and policy objectives. The items ”civil society and government departments to promote job,” and ”government to help multi-employment organization offering innovative, and local developmental plan” has higher satisfaction, ”The government assistance to upgrade the industry,” and ”the government help the unemployed to enhance their employability,” the lowest degree of satisfaction. These results show that this program still can't to achieve the objective of program, and it need to improve organizational capacity in the development of local industries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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