Since the 1960s, environmental ethics has become an increasingly important issue. It is related to industrialization, changing skills and production technology, industrial chemical use, and consumer culture. This encouraged the United Nation to take formative management of environment into account, and it began to promote standards of environmental/occupational health and safety (OHS) management through cooperation with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in the 1990s. Corporate social responsibility (CSR), hence, entered management systems, including ISO 14000 and OHSAS 18000.
Can the aims of ethics in commerce be achieved by adopting standardized environmental or OHS management systems? Which maxims should be strengthened in humanistic environmental ethics? This research tries to open the issues related to Rolston's (1988) ”Ethic for Commerce” from a humanistic perspective. This article firstly explores the relationship between OHS and environmental ethics, then investigates the regulations as well as the challenges of implementing environmental ethics, and finally suggests the possible resolutions.
This paper stresses the importance of workers' participation, which is included in the current OHS management system as one of the fundamental requirements. Significant channels include participation in identifying hazards and choosing indexes of risk assessment. This improves workers' abilities to investigate the process of production and file reports with the government. In terms of carrying out business ethics, accusation against the employers is hardly made without providing institutive and effective protection for workers who raise OHS questions. The enterprises, OHS experts and scientists should be responsible for providing evidence that clarifies the questions raised by workers. This, therefore, will help workers to become capable to exercise external control more effectively.
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