


Comparative Analysis of Minimum Wage Institution and Its Implications for Minimum Wages Act Formulate in Taiwan




李健鴻(Chien-Hung Lee)


最低工資制度 ; 決策機制 ; 審議程序 ; 調整指標 ; 強制執行機制 ; Minimum Wage Institution ; Decision mechanism ; Review Procedure ; Adjustment Index ; Enforcement mechanism




30期(2018 / 07 / 01)


41 - 97






Formulating Minimum Wage Act is important labor policy issue in contemporary Taiwan, this article aim to explore the reasonable and feasible institutional design principles of Minimum Wage Act. From comparative analysis of minimum wage institution concerning about the decision mechanism, review procedure, adjustment index, enforcement mechanism in countries, this article provide the institutional design principles of formulating Minimum Wage Act after review the practical problems of basic wages institution in Taiwan. The first main finding is that the basic wages institution belong to the category of "single minimum wage rate for all national workers - government is sole decision maker". The second main finding is that there were four practical problems derived from the basic wage institution as follow: inadequate enforcement performance of adjustment index, unclear review procedure, reviewed outcomes likely to be rejected by government, limited enforcement mechanism performance, resulting in the limited wage protection performance for low wages workers. Consider the practical problems and the measures of minimum wage institution in most countries, the suggestions as follow, the institutional design principles of for formulating Minimum Wage Act includes: minimum wage committee composed of representatives of workers, employers and government according to the principle of triple participating, regular review mechanism every year, proposal by research group, appeal institution from civil society, formulating the legal system of adjustment index and effective enforcement mechanism.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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