


Exploring the Factors of Effectiveness on the Implementation of Common Core Competencies Curriculum




邱麗家(Li-Jia Chiu)


職能 ; 核心職能 ; 共通核心職能 ; 課程與教學 ; 期望理論 ; Competency ; Core Competency ; Common Core Competency ; Curriculum and Instruction ; Expectancy Theory




31期(2020 / 03 / 01)


29 - 59






The core competencies curriculum development has become an important issue in global trend. Since 2005, the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training (BEVT) has promoted the common core competencies program by way of policy promotion. The promotion of common core competencies curriculum has drawn more and more attention. This study aimed to explore current status and future improvement direction of common core curriculum implementation. The in-depth interview was used to collect data from the instructors and students of the common core competencies courses. The conclusion is based on the results summarized in three parts: (1) The feedback from the interaction between instructors and students can help reduce the gap of teaching and learning, (2) The reinforcement of the objectives of the common core competencies curriculum can help clarify students' perception of the learning differences, and (3) The workplace experience can help students understand the importance of common core competency curriculum. In summary, the researcher provides four suggestions below: (1) the educational institutes should put emphasis on the development of teaching materials for core knowledge and core technologies; (2) the application of the teaching content to induce students' willingness and attitude toward participation should be strengthen; (3) the expectations of instructors and the needs of students should be linked through the feedback mechanisms; (4) the deep value of the core competencies curriculum should be emphasized, and the enthusiasm and the mission of the instructor's teaching should also be integrated into learning methods in order to cultivate the core competence in the workplace for a long time.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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