


The "Class" Exhibition in Dual-Earner Family


張志堯(Chih-Yao Chang)


階級 ; 雙薪家庭 ; 夫妻權力 ; 家庭決策 ; 家務分工 ; class analysis ; conjugal power ; dual-earner family ; housework ; decision making




17期(2003 / 03 / 01)


187 - 221






The central objective of this article is to explore the empirical relationship between the location of households in the class structure and gender inequalities in decision making of family affairs and performance of housework. We take the theory of Marxist feminists to view whether female can promote her family status by entering labour market. We argue that the linkage between the system of production, analyzed in class terms, and the family affairs, is at the heart of understanding the social process in gender relationship. As the complex relationship between class and family to unfold, there is basically no support for the view that class plays a pervasive role in family affairs, while economic factors do. By the way, our results still supported the fact: the social and gender inequalities ar6 based on sex not class or something else.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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