


The Research on Men's Gender Role Stereotype Shaping and Releasing


朱蘭慧(Lan-Hui Chu)


性別角色 ; 刻板印象 ; 性別角色刻板印象形成 ; 性別角色刻板印象鬆動 ; 男性研究 ; 生命史 ; gender role ; stereotype ; gender role stereotype shaping ; gender role stereotype releasing ; men's study ; life history




17期(2003 / 03 / 01)


85 - 119






To achieve the goal of gender equality, men need to be invited to join in to examine ”the gender traps” formed by the culture. These traps not only greatly oppress but also inflict relative damage on men. The goal of this thesis is to discuss what factors influence the stereotype of gender roles in men's lives, what events release men's gender role, and what they think afterwards. This qualitative research uses the life history method and three men were interviewed. Three life histories are presented individually and with fish bone graphs to sketch the formation and the releasing of their gender role stereotypes. The background factors in the formation of gender roles are: 1. the upbringing of parents; 2. differences between the city and the countryside in the South and the North of Taiwan; 3. teachers and school curriculum; 4. peer interaction; 5. television and movies; and 6. career interaction. The background factors in the relaxation of gender roles for men are: 1. television and movies; 2. romantic love and household affairs; 3. powerful mother and immoral uncle; 4. school courses and competent female teachers; and 5. personal characteristics.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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