


The Drinking Behavior of Police in Taiwan


翁萃芳(Tsuey-Fang Weng)


員警人員 ; 飲酒行為 ; 飲酒動機 ; 飲酒過量 ; 飲酒問題 ; police ; drinking behavior ; drinking motives ; excessive drinking ; alcohol problems




18期(2003 / 06 / 01)


227 - 248






The present study explored the drinking behavior of policemen and its correlates. The method of equal ratio sample was adopted in the data collection. A total of 1191 valid questionnaires were returned. We found that the police were much more likely to drink at work. Their drinking companions were mostly likely colleagues, and mostly in the restaurants. Excessive drinking was not prevalent, but there seemed to be a trend escapism by taking alcohol. The field police officers had more severe problems regarding drinking motives, excessive drinking and alcoholism than their civil counterparts. The most frequently reported motive for drinking was to socialize with friends and families. The top worry, although in a quite low ratio, was ”not able to properly control the quantity of alcohol drinking and seems to drink more and more”. We should make concerted efforts to rectify the drinking culture of police, to help those officers with alcohol problems, to improve the image of police and efficient law enforcement.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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