


Redefinition and New Paradigm of Organizational Behavior: A Critical Review


劉世南(Shyh-Nan Lion)


組織行為定義 ; 中間典範 ; 多層組織理論 ; redefinition of organization behavior ; meso-paradigm ; multilevel organizational theory




20期(2003 / 12 / 01)


139 - 180






The aim of the present paper is to integrate critical reviews conducted by western researchers on the development of organizational behavior (OB) studies during the past forty years. Drawn on reports of Heath & Sitkins (2001), Porter (1996), House, Rousseau & Thomas-Hunt (1995), and Klein & Kozlowski (2000), it is noted that the paradigm shift in the main stream of Western OB studies is to redefine OB research as the study of tasks of organizing behavior using meso-paradigm approach. I then proposes principles and strategies for building multilevel organizational theory as the foundation of meso-paradigm for investigating tasks of organizing behavior. Adopting strategies of western OB researchers, I suggest that the competing advantage of Taiwanese OB research is to study tasks of organizing behavior under the context of Chinese society using social relations approach. The infrastructure for promoting Taiwanese innovative capability in OB research is also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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