


Supervisor-subordinate Iinteraction Theory: From Subordinates' Perspective


王榮春(Jung-Chuen Wang);陳彰儀(Chang-I Chen)


領導 ; 部屬 ; 分類 ; 互動 ; 領導-部屬互換論 ; leadership ; subordinate ; categorization ; interaction ; leader-subordinate interaction theory




20期(2003 / 12 / 01)


181 - 215






Most leadership theories focus on leader's behaviors. However, in reality, the led is also very important in the leadership process. The main purpose of this study was to understand leadership from the subordinates' viewpoint. That is, researchers tried to find out dimensions relating to subordinates' perception of their supervisors and rules with which subordinates interacted with their supervisors. Ten subordinates were interviewed using the semi-structured technique.. Analysis showed that: (1) subordinates categorized their supervisors along 4 dimensions: morality & character, care & approachability, rewarding & helpfulness, and structuring & demandingness. Intriguingly, subordinates viewed the morality & character as the most important factor when they perceived their supervisors. These results were compared with those dimensions revealed in the foregone leadership research. (2) rules with which subordinates interacted with their supervisors were: loyalty & trust, closeness & affection, contribution, and emotion. The results also indicated that the interaction between subordinates and supervisors were reciprocal, hierarchical and dynamic.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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