


Loss Coping Process of Adults: When They were Adolescent Following Parental Death


黃淑清(Shu-Ching Huang);修慧蘭(Hui-Lain Hsiu)


失落 ; 失落的意義 ; 失落的影響 ; 深度訪談法 ; loss ; the meaning of loss ; the influence of loss ; deep interview method




20期(2003 / 12 / 01)


217 - 238






The purpose of this study was to understand coping process, the influence, and the meaning of adults when they were adolescent following parental death. Five interviewee participated in this study. Deep interviewes were adopted to collect data. Central themes and essential descriptions were chosen to be analyzed. The main finding were as follows: (1) The relationship between loss and interviewee was a kind of figure and ground relationship. (2) Facing the event of loss, which collided his/her self-concept was the most critical influence. (3) The meaning of loss was what could get a new self-concept idea by the interrupted parental relationship. The discussion and suggestion about the development of loss counseling were raised at the end of the article.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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