


Emotional Contents of Imprinted Images on Parental Reward and Punishment


趙梅如(Mei-Ru Chao)


深刻印象 ; 親子關係 ; 質性研究 ; 獎勵與懲罰 ; imprinted images ; parent-child relationship ; qualitative research ; reward and punishment




21期(2004 / 03 / 01)


219 - 248






We will not always remember everything happened in our whole life, yet, after so many years, there were still some imprinted images left from deep emotions behind the events. This qualitative research, based on the selected narrators' most imprinted images on parental reward and punishment, is to analyze the narrative data and to discover the emotional contents of imprinted images. From the result, we found Chinese parents discipline their children directly with punishment and scolding, with little emotional expression. We also found the emotional contents, based on the selected narrators' most imprinted images on parental reward and punishment, include: (1) care and recognition, (2) trust and security, (3) understanding and regard, (4) unspoken deep love, (5) high expectation, (6) admonition and guidance. These emotional contents, from which children understand the hidden emotions and love behind the behavior of their parents, contribute to the impressive memory in parent-child relationship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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