This paper aims to analyze the educational reform movement in Taiwan from a perspective of critical pedagogy, particularly focusing on teacher's everyday life. Given that teacher's work life is filled up with the fact of deskilling, this study attempts to deconstruct the cultural and political implications underneath the educational reform movement and explore the possibility of resistance from teachers in everyday life. First of all, this paper does not support the claim that teacher union will bring about teachers' professional identity and development. Rather, this paper suggests that only through hidden inquiry about teachers' work life alongside the consideration of strategy/tactic, there may emerge a possibility of resistance. Further, this study goes beyond Henry Giroux's notion of resistance, which is absent from the consideration of material condition, and refers to James Scott's concepts of hidden transcript and euphemism with a view to altering the hegemonic structure from the forces of teachers in everyday life. In conclusion, this paper regards that the implication of the educational reform movement is contradiction; that is, on the one hand, the emergence of educational reform represents a de-hegemonization. The agent of educational reform challenges and shifts a hegemonic structure. But, on the other hand, the results of educational reform also facilitate re-hegemonization, in which educational reform seems inevitably to move towards institutional power; and it is impossible to end the role of the enforced hegemonic structure.
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