


Interviewing Parents of Adolescents: Interpreting on Their Lived Experience of Parenting


高淑清(Shu-Ching Kao);廖昭銘(Chao-Ming Liao)


半結構深度訪談 ; 主題分析法 ; 詮釋現象學 ; 親職經驗 ; hermeneutic phenomenology ; parenting experience ; semi-structured in-depth interviews ; thematic analysis




24期(2004 / 12 / 01)


117 - 146






The purpose of this study was to seek and understand the lived experience of the parents who had adolescents living at home. Hermeneutic phenomenology was adopted as the research methodology. Under this methodological perspective, the researchers intended to discover and interpret the nature of lived experience of parenting and the hidden meanings in the parenting experience of these parents. Semi-structured in-depth interview was the major method to develop the texts. The participants in the study were 5 couples who were interviewed together first, and then individually. Furthermore, thematic analysis was used to identify and clarify the themes. After intersubjective agreement with the participants, four essential themes were identified as follows: (a) intuitively and deeply comprehending the growing of the adolescents, (b) enthusiastically rebuilding the relationship between parents and adolescents, (c) unavoidably bearing parents’ responsibility on leading and rearing the adolescents, and (d) parenting is undertaking role-sharing, complementarity and coordination. Finally we discussed and reflected on the parenting experience of participants through specific theoretical perspectives and related issues.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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