


The Marital Power Processes of Couples Which Husbands are Economically Dependent


董秀珠(Hsiu-Chu Tung);楊連謙(Lien-Chien Yang);林萬億(Wan-I Lin)


夫妻權力 ; 權力過程 ; 性別規範 ; 性別信念 ; 性別矯飾 ; 潛藏權力 ; gender ideology ; gender strategy ; economic resources ; marital power




24期(2004 / 12 / 01)


147 - 182






Based on information involving 4 couples for whom wives earned more than their husbands and wanted their partners to make changes, this article analyzed how the normative gender ideology and economic resources co-operate in and shape the marital power. We found wives could exercise more power only when husbands wanted economic help from them. Spouses often demonstrated a joint effort to ensure the unconventional did not feel too unconventional. The costs of being perceived as deviant from the gender-norm were minimized by gender strategies. Gender ideology and gender strategies which neutralizing deviance usually made wives more disadvantaged. This article also demonstrated what Komter called the hidden power in marriage and highlighted how these couples used gender strategies in ways that reinforced the husband’s power. And we found that these resources were gendered sufficiently so that they were less important or less powerful when contributed by wives.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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