


Differences on Division of Labor among Chinese Marital Affection Types: Analysis of Couple Data


陳富美(Fu-Mei Chen);利翠珊(Tsui-Shan Li)


婚姻關係 ; 情感 ; 家事分工 ; 夫妻 ; marriage ; division of labor ; affection ; couples




24期(2004 / 12 / 01)


95 - 115




華人夫妻情感內涵,不但包含雙方溝通分享生活經驗的親密之情,也蘊藏夫妻對於彼此在婚姻中克盡角色職責的恩情感受。對于家有幼兒的夫妻而言,因育兒而產生的勞務及教養的工作大為增加。夫妻在家事上的分工,一方面考驗著夫妻的情感基礎,另一方面則提供持續發展情感的機會。事實上,夫妻情感除了反映個人的感受外,將夫妻對偶視為一分析單位,更能掌握每一對夫妻在情感上一致或差異的互動特色。本研究以對偶資料為分析之基礎,主要的研究目的有二:一是檢驗夫妻情感的正向一致、負向一致及不一致的程度,及情感類型的分類;第二,探討不同情感類型的夫妻是否在家事分工上有所差異。本研究以臺灣北部地區309對幼兒父母為對象,以問卷的方式,由夫妻分別針對婚姻情感及家事分工狀況進行填答。夫妻情感資料的處理主要參考Olson & Fowers (1993)的分析方式,將每一對夫妻在婚姻情感量表上的分數逐題分析,並計算出每對夫妻在婚姻情感上正向一致、負向一致及不一致的程度。研究結果顯示,夫妻情感正向一致的比例最高,負向一致的比例最低,而夫妻不一致的回答多顯現在「恩情」的題項上,「親密」情感的不一致比例較低。研究中也將夫妻分為「你儂我儂」、「相看兩厭」、「一廂情願」、「觀喜冤家」及「矛盾怨懟」五種情感型組。多變異數分析顯示,在以太太工作狀況(全職、兼職及家庭主婦)為共變的狀況下,不同情感型組的夫妻,家事分工的狀況呈現顯著差異。


Chinese couples’ marital affection involves not only intimacy, but also gratitude and appreciation (Enqing). For couples with young children, there are increasing amount of work load for chores and child care. Division of labor becomes an important factor challenging the stability and development of marital affection. In terms of method of analyzing marital affection, treating “couple” as a unit of analysis can characterize the mutual perceptions between couples. There were two main goals of this study: first, this study would examine the positive agreement, negative agreement and disagreement for couples’ affection, and types of marital affection. Second, this study would examine the differences on division of labor among different marital affection types. This study investigated marital affection and division of household labor among 309 couples with children age 3-6, by employing “couple” as an analysis unit. We analyzed levels of positive agreement, negative agreement and disagreement on marital affection for each couple who completed our survey. Our results indicated that the majority of couples had high levels of positive agreement, and low levels of negative agreement. Disagreement was shown on “enqing” items, rather than on “intimacy” items. Couples were also categorized into five different affection types. Significant differences in division of household labor were found between the groups.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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