


Exploring Secrets in Private Writing: To Rebuild Life and Portray Self


胡紹嘉(Shao-Jia Hu)


私我書寫 ; 敘事 ; 行動 ; 自我 ; 認同 ; private writing ; narrative ; action ; self ; identity




25期(2005 / 03 / 01)


29 - 54






This paper intends to explore the relations, contents and meanings among the individual (story maker), writing and the self. The texts analyzed were current, self-disclosed narratives. As a narration and action, writing may not only re-perform the event but also constitute the experience of the story writer/actor. As self-referents, the story makers gradually form their self-understandings and identities. The objectivity and publicity of self-consciousness were also involved in the process of identity construction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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