


Facilitating Playfulness at Work


余嬪(Ping Yu)


玩興/玩性 ; 遊戲 ; 創造力 ; 工作表現 ; playfulness ; games ; creativity ; work performance




26期(2005 / 06 / 01)


73 - 94






In the highly competed knowledge economic era, creativity is extremely valued than that of anytime in the history. Research and practices reveal that in addition to increase creativity of an individual, playfulness has some other important implications at workplace such as alleviating boredom and releasing tensions, enhancing learning and adaptation toward changing, facilitating social interaction and team building, increasing great attentiveness to quality, and results in overall better performances and positive feelings toward their job. People in management need to realize the importance and the need of play and to develop strategies to facilitating disciplinary play at work.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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