


Psychoanalysis and the Constitution of French Clinical Psychology: A Historical and Critical Review


沈志中(Chih-Chung Shen)


臨床心理學 ; 法國臨床心理學 ; 精神分析 ; 心理治療 ; clinical psychology ; French clinical psychology ; psychoanalysis ; psychotherapy




27期(2005 / 09 / 01)


215 - 237






This paper first discusses how psychoanalysis influenced the development of French clinical psychology from a historical perspective. Although psychoanalysis has been a major theoretical basis for French clinical psychology, they are not identical. Their differences can be seen from their divergent conceptions on psychotherapy. For its particularity of treatment, we may further differentiate psychoanalysis from general psychotherapy. Lastly, this paper also attempts to explore what possible roles psychoanalysis may play in contemporary psychotherapy, inferring from examples in France and particularity of psychoanalysis.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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