


Single Word Processing: Insights from Research on Brain-damaged Patients


吳嫻(Denise-Hsien Wu)


神經心理學 ; 音韻及拼字表徵 ; 語意及語法表徵 ; Wernicke-Lichtheim理論 ; 單一個案研究方法 ; Neuropsychology ; phonological and orthographic representations ; semantic and syntactic representations ; Wernicke-Lichtheim model ; single-case approach




28期(2005 / 12 / 01)


119 - 140






The relationship between the brain and behaviors has been the focus of the research in cognitive neuroscience. In addition to linking different neural substrates to different cognitive abilities, studies in this field have provided valuable information on the mechanisms underlying human cognition. Compared with other advanced techniques employed in cognitive neuroscience, studies on brain-damaged patients have a long history and unique contribution to the field Specifically, the selective disruption of some task performance signifies the functional independence of a cognitive component subserving that task. The double dissociation between two functions further suggests the dissociation, possibly both functionally and anatomically, of two components. In the current overview, I first introduced the Wernicke-Lichtheim model, which is mainly constructed from brain-damaged patients' behavioral impairments I also reviewed the criticisms and modifications to this traditional view. Next, the neuropsychological findings regarding the processes involved in single word comprehension and production were summarized Evidence for separate lexical, syntactic, and semantic representations of a word was briefly discussed Among lexical representations, further segregation between input and output phonological and orthographic representations was demonstrated by case reports on single patient's selective deficits. The organization of semantic and grammatical representations was also proposed to account for patients' performance. From this overviwe of cognitive neuropsychological findings, we can conclude that our understanding of the functional organization of single word processing has progressed considerably since the Wernicke-Lichtheim model was proposed. In particular, considerable know ledge has accumulated concerning the organization of the systems involved in single word processing for both speech and writing during the past two decades. The data-collected have had important implications for various issues that have been greatly debated in the normal literature. More work is needed to elucidate the linguistic processing/representations at the sentence level and to contribute to the development of theories of language processing.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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