


The Process of Self-Construction Unfolded in Narrative: A Case-Study of a Kindergarten Teacher


曾愛迪(Ai-Ti Tseng);招雁翔(Yen-Hsiang Chao)


個案研究法 ; 敘說 ; 自我 ; 創傷 ; 轉化 ; 超越 ; 過渡空間 ; case study method ; narrative ; self ; trauma ; transformation ; transcendence ; transitional space




28期(2005 / 12 / 01)


223 - 252






The article adopted the case study methodology to investigate the process of self-construction Through interviews, the investigator tries to understand how one constructs himself or herself through narrative and dialogue with the investigator in psychotherapy The findings show that there are three patterns for the process of self-construction: 1. clarification and search for the self; 2. re-comprehension and realization of relationships; 3. transformation and transcendence of traumatic experiences The research also finds that for the process of self-construction to unfold, it is necessary to have a transitional space, which can be developed by narrative, the lapse of time, shifts in time frames, and self-reflection Narrative and lapse of time allow one to transcend trauma by adding new meanings to the traumatic experiences, shifts in time frames equip one with the ability to console the traumatized childhood with the perspective of an adult, and self-reflection provides an opportunity for listening to the inner voice of the self in order to re-locate the ”self”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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