


From the Setback of Counseling Work in Elementary/Secondary Schools to Psychologists' Act: Finding Our Way Back to Professionalism


陳惠雯(Hui-Wen Chen);王曉薇(Xiao-Wei Wang);韓昌宏(Chang-Hong Han);彭瑞連(Rui-Lian Peng);張雅苓(Ya-Ling Chang)


學校輔導工作 ; 心理師法 ; 證照 ; 建制化 ; 批判探究 ; school guidance/counseling work ; Psychologists' Act ; certification ; institutions ; critical inquiry




30期(2006 / 06 / 01)


155 - 179






Most of the authors are graduate students in the departments of psychology and counseling practitioners in public elementary/secondary schools. When the government implemented the ”Psychologists' Act” in 2003 and 2004, the authors were interested to examine the impact of the legislation upon the actual counseling work on campus. Therefore, they joined ”The Team of Observations and Actions.” In the sub-team of ”Elementary and Secondary Schools,” the authors collaborated in examining the historical, institutional and the practical aspects of the school guidance/counseling system. From their research, it is found that the top-down policy was in many ways infeasible and difficult to work out in counseling practice; and the failure results in the setback of professional counselors on campus. With the implementation of ”Psychologists' Act,” the aim is that professionals with national certificate and license can work on the campus. With ”organization re-construction,” it is hoped that the quality of counseling work can be improved. Yet, the logic hidden behind this licentiation is rather problematic. The focus of the reconstruction is not to improve the professional ability of the counseling practitioners, but to institutionalize the profession. Therefore, the conclusion of the observing team is legislation does not help solve the current problem and setback. This essay presents the process of the authors' critical enquiry, and their reflection and action in practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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