


A Dual Performing by Organization Development and Strategy Management: What is the Strategy Formation Process?


王思峰(Sy-Feng Wang);翁望回(Wang-Hui Weng);鄭繼聖(Irving Cheng)


策略管理 ; 策略形成 ; 策略規劃 ; 組織發展 ; 組織行為 ; strategy management ; strategy formation ; strategic planning ; organization development ; organizational behavior




33期(2007 / 03 / 01)


127 - 173






What this article presents is a consultation project in MK Corporation, where three authors (one is organization psychologist, another is strategy management scholar, and the other is human resources worker) involved in the strategy planning in 2001 by double visions of organization development's perspective and strategy management perspective. The major discourse proposed in this paper is: the theoretical frame to look at ”what is strategy formation process”, why we need to use a ”complex internal structure” frame to deal with ”strategy formation process”, what is the template of this ”complex internal structure”, and why we need that frame. The implementation for academic domains of strategy management, organizational culture, indigenous psychology in organizational behavior, and organizational learning, are also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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