


A Buddha Manifested in a Leaf of Grass: Phenomenological Meaning of Healing and Caring-Reflected from a Case Study in a Mental Hospital


汪文聖(Wen-Sheng Wang)


精神病醫護 ; 現象學 ; 科技 ; 倫理 ; psychiatric healing ; psychiatric caring ; phenomenology ; technology ; ethics




34期(2007 / 06 / 01)


113 - 144




本文先介紹此研究的背景與動機,並對此研究在切身脈絡中的明確定位、它的侷限與尚應繼續拓展的研究範圍做一說明。即在針對「台灣精神病醫學界在接收西方精神醫學主流之際,應去反省其價值,這也包括從本土社會文化的價值來考量」的議題中,先回顧國內學者不同面相的反省,而確定本文是從現象學立場對之反省,即在方法上讓欲調查的醫療過程以原貌呈現,在內容上根本地掌握到主流與非主流的醫療乃分別以科技與倫理之本義為依據。 本文在對科技化精神疾病醫療以及回溯到倫理的意義做海德格式存有論的解釋後,依據筆者所進行的一個田野研究來具體顯示此哲學理論。其中也將會介紹一個海德格式現象學心理學的模型以及一種現象學實徵研究的操作方法,以作為本計畫進行的參考。


This article first introduces the background and the motive of our research, explains the demarcation of this research within its situated context, and defines the limit and the areas of research to be further developed. Then we point out the issue: ”The community of the psychiatry in Taiwan that takes over the main stream of the Western psychiatry should cast a reflection on its value, especially from the viewpoint of our indigenous sociality and culture”. And so regarding, we will retrospect different aspects of the reflections from some scholars in Taiwan, and assure our reflection upon it just from the phenomenological standpoint. It means: on the methodological side, we let the healing and caring procedure as our research object show itself; on the side of content, we profoundly grasp that the main and the marginal stream of psychiatry consists respectively in the original meaning of technology and ethics. After the elucidation of technological mental healing and caring and of our retrospection to the ethic meaning under the Heideggerlian Ontology, we are going to explicate the theory concretely through our field study. Meanwhile, we will present a model of Heideggerlian phenomenological psychology and one method of phenomenological empirical research as reference of our research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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