


The Development of Independence and Autonomy during Adolescence


林惠雅(Huey-Ya Lin)


獨立自主發展 ; 青少年 ; 親子關係 ; 父母職權 ; 自我管轄 ; 離家 ; The development of independence and autonomy ; adolescence ; parent-adolescent relationship ; parental authority ; personal jurisdiction ; leaving home




35期(2007 / 09 / 01)


153 - 183






The main goal of the present study was to discover the development of independence and autonomy during adolescence. Based on interviews with thirty students from high schools and colleges, two aspects were presented concerning the development of independence and autonomy. For the aspect of the changes of living dependence and independence, adolescents moved from reliance on parents toward self-reliance. For the aspect of the transformation for parental authority and personal jurisdiction, adolescents moved from unilateral to mutual authority. There were two mechanisms for the development of independence and autonomy. One mechanism was that adolescents' abilities and strength leaded to either parents' letting go or parents' withdrawing their authority. The other mechanism was ”leaving home-going to college”. It represented a turning point which indicated a transition of developmental states and abilities. For Chinese adolescents, by leaving home, independence and autonomy could be attained without breaking with their parents.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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