


The Effects of Chinese Paternalistic Leadership on Multinational Subordinates' Psychological Health: A study of Chinese Expatiate Managers


陳皓怡(Hao-Yi Chen);高尚仁(Henry S. R. Kao);吳治富(Chie-Fuh Wu)


跨文化管理 ; 個人主義/集體主義 ; 華人領導 ; 家長式領導風格 ; 身心健康 ; cross-culture ; individualism/collectivism ; Chinese leadership ; paternalistic leadership ; psychological health




36期(2007 / 12 / 01)


223 - 244




目前企業已逐漸邁入全球國際化的發展,本研究以具有華人特色之家長式領導風格,進行組織中員工重要健康資產的研究,並以個人層次之文化觀點,探討在企業面對國際化時,主管面對多國籍部屬,其領導風格是否適用或進行調整?所謂家長式領導風格意指由於中華文化受到儒家思想與法家的雙重影響,造就了華人企業主管或領導者擁有清晰鮮明的領導與管理特色,可以稱之為家長式領導(Paternalistic Leadership),即在一種人治的色彩下,領導人擁有一種類似父權的領導作風,有著清楚而強大的權威(威權領導),但也有著照顧、體諒部屬(仁慈領導)以及道德領導(德行領導)的成分在內的領導行為(Westwood & Chan, 1992)。本研究對象以單一大型台籍跨國企業為主,調查各分公司華人外派主管具從屬關係之多國籍部屬,初步得到以下結果:(1)當部屬知覺之主管威權領導愈多時,對部屬身心健康愈產生顯著負面影響;(2)家長式領導行為三元素之交互效果,對部屬身心健康產生無顯著影響;(3)部屬個人文化價值觀之個人主義,會調節主管仁慈領導與部屬身心健康的影響關係,但並不會調節在主管表現出德性領導或威權領導時,與部屬身心健康之間的關係。


Paternalistic leadership (PL) is the prevalent leadership style in Chinese business organizations. PL has three specific dimensions, i.e., Authoritarianism, Benevolence and Moral leadership. While Benevolence and Moral leadership refer to the warm consideration of the subordinates and exhibition of moralistic leadership activities respectively, Authoritarianism entails a stringent control and power play in the leader-follower relationship. In the development and management of the multinational enterprises, Chinese expatriate managers must face interact their subordinates with varied ethnic and culture backgrounds. In this study, we used Hofstede's Individualism dimension as the core value to differentiate the multinational and multi-cultural subordinates (N=160) in a large Chinese multinational corporation. We investigated the effects of Chinese expatriate managers' Chinese PL on these subordinates' mental health conditions measured by the General Health Questionnaire. The results were as follows: (1) Chinese expatriate managers with Authoritarian leadership style exerted significant negative effects on the subordinates' health conditions; (2) The dimension of Individualism in the subordinates' values could moderate the relationship between the Benevolence leadership and the subordinates' health conditions. In conclusion, Authoritarian Chinese leadership played a dominate role in causing a powerful negative effect on the subordinates' health condition. It is suggested that the practice of the authoritarian style of Chinese leadership be re-examined when dealing with the mental health aspects of the multi-cultural subordinates in the host countries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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