


Parenting Resilience, Coparenting and Parenting Stress for Mothers of Young Children with Hearing Loss


梅心潔(Hsin-Chieh Mei);蔡昆瀛(Kuen-Ying Tsai);陳若琳(Jo-Lin Chen)


聽損幼兒母親 ; 親職韌性復原力 ; 共親職 ; 親職壓力 ; mothers of young children with hearing loss ; parenting resilience ; coparenting ; parenting stress




38期(2008 / 06 / 01)


107 - 150






The purpose of this study was to investigate parenting resilience, coparenting and parenting stress for mothers of young children with hearing loss. The measures included 'Parenting Resilience scale', 'Coparenting scale', and 'Parenting Stress scale'. 338 mothers were surveyed, and 215 valid questionnaires were collected. The results of descriptive analyses indicated that the mothers perceived pretty high level of parenting resilience, and they sometimes perceived parenting stress. Mothers of young children with hearing loss perceived support and less reprimand from fathers. Regarding the differences among the dimensions of parenting stress based upon mothers' education, occupation, family income, and children's communication ability, some of the significant differences were found. The correlations showed that parenting resilience and fathers' support of coparenting were partially negatively related to mothers' parenting stress. Fathers' reprimand of coparenting was positively related to mothers' parenting stress. Mothers' education, occupation, family income, and young children's communication ability were also partially negatively related to mothers' parenting stress. The regression analyses indicated that mothers' positive thinking, fathers' support, reprimand, family income and children's communication ability did show significant association with mothers' parenting stress. Finally, based on the findings, several suggestions were made for parents of young children with hearing loss, related institutions and further studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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