


The Fulfillment of Power of Will: The Life Story of G. L. Mackay


徐柏蓉(Po-Jung Hsu);陳昭儀(Chao-Yi Chen)


馬偕 ; 心理傳記 ; 生命故事 ; 創造力 ; Mackay ; psychobiography ; life story ; creativity




39期(2008 / 09 / 01)


165 - 213




馬偕(1844-1901),滬尾偕醫館、牛津學堂、理學堂大書院、淡水女學堂的創辦人。他一生在台工作29年,娶台灣人為妻,最後埋骨淡水,對19世紀末期台灣北部社會發展有舉足輕重的影響。 本文以心理學傳記為研究方法,並以馬偕的日記、委託他人出版的著作From Far Formosa為主要自我敘說材料,輔以其他研究文獻、他傳等資料敘寫馬偕的生命故事。 馬偕的一生提供了我們以「生命實踐」的新角度看視創造力的展現,其具體表現於創造力即是領導力、創造力即生命意志的實現,以及創造力即是建構新的生命認同,從而亦詮釋了創造力即是勇氣。


George Leslie Mackay (1844-1901) was the founder of Mackay Mission Hospital (as Mackay Memorial Hospital now), Oxford College (as Aletheia University now), and Tamsui Girls' School (as Tam-Kang High School now). He devoted himself to his mission in Taiwan for 29 years, married a Taiwanese, and even buried in Tamsui in the end. He was a man of influence in the development of the north Taiwan in the 19th century. The purpose of this study was to use a psychobiographical method to narrate the creative life stories of Dr. George Leslie Mackay. <||>From Far Formosa<||>, the diary of MacKay, supplemented with past literature and biographies written by others were used in this study in order to interpret his personality and life. In the process of expanding his life, his creativity was shown in his will fulfillment. We can provide new explanation for creativity taking creativity as leadership, as life-actualization, and as new identity formation. It also interpreted why creativity was courage.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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