


Religious Experience and Professional Transition: A Study of a Preschool Teacher


黃琬敦(Wan-Tun Huang);倪鳴香(Ming-Shiang Ni)


傳記研究 ; 敘述訪談 ; 宗教經驗 ; 職涯變遷 ; biographic research ; narrative interview ; religious experience ; professional transition.




39期(2008 / 09 / 01)


59 - 93




本研究以生命史觀取向,運用口述傳記探究一位放棄公幼教職轉任私立佛教托兒所任教幼師,如何在其職涯變遷歷程中看待自我教師角色,及其置身所處社會脈絡中之價值,微觀闡述其反主流趨勢向下流動的職涯轉換,與其自身宗教經驗間相互牽引交織之互動關係。資料採集選擇德國社會學者F. Schütze發展的「敘述訪談」,進行當事人之個別訪談。語料解讀參照德國教育學者R. Kokemohr的「參照推論分析理論」進行敘述內涵意義的理解與詮釋,並再建構出生命主體「追求內心成長快樂」之核心意向。而敘述流呈顯的是這位幼師在實踐理想自我圖像的歷程,在宗教觀與職涯觀相互牽引辯證中,其持續超越限制而建構出邁向專業成長的職業圖像,即在社會系統中宗教教育推廣「利他志業」職業生命價值的沃土內,生命主體孕育出其實踐德育教育行動及利他志業的「願行承諾」,也因此促發了主體得以超脫追求「物質」條件,轉化以「終極關懷」作為自我安身立命的依歸,並為其停滯的幼教專業生命帶來創化的樞紐。且本研究所闡述之幼師角色認同四部曲:「順勢而為」、「複製社會意識圖像」、「超越自我」與「己立立人」,說明了幼師在自我與外在社會世界互動歷程中,生命主體如何在境遇的限制,與可能性中參化職涯契機,並實現職涯願景的生成圖像。


This paper used biographic research approach to examine how a preschool teacher viewed her own role as a teacher and the value of social context when going through the process of professional transition from working for a public kindergarten to a private Buddhistic one. <||>Narrative interview<||> developed by F. Schütze's was adopted as the way of data collection, and <||>inferential analysis<||>, created by R. Kokemohr's, was used as the analytic method to interpret the text and to reconstruct <||>seek by the joy of mental enhancement<||> as the subject's core purpose. The narrative flow revealed the dialectics of the preschool teacher's religious viewpoint and the professional perspective, as well as the construction of the profession picture when surpassed the limitation continually during the process of practicing ones ideal self-picture. Inspired by religious education, the teacher regarded <||>altruism<||> as her professional value and accomplished it by committing herself to moral education. In this way, she transformed her professional goal from seeking <||>material pleasure<||> to <||>ultimate concern<||>. The result also shows four steps of the preschool teacher's role-identification: <||>to make use of an opportunity to gain one's end<||>, <||>to reproduce the collective social ideology<||>, <||>to surpass oneself<||>, and <||>to be self-beneficiary and to be of beneficiary to others<||>. The four steps tell us how the subject got involved in the career opportunity and fulfilled her new professional goal when encountering the restriction and the possibility within the process of interaction of oneself and the social world.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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