


Paternalistic Leadership, Team Socialization and Team Culture: A Study of Sports Teams


高三福(San-Fu Kao);莊仲仁(Chong-Jen Chuang)


團隊價值觀 ; 運動團隊 ; 教練領導 ; team values ; sport team ; coaching leadership




42期(2009 / 06 / 01)


187 - 213






In the bases of paternalistic leadership, organizational socialization, and organizational culture, the purposes of this study were to investigate the influences of coaches' leadership and team socialization to team culture, and whether the moderating effect of leadership and socialization on culture. We sampled 1151 high school and college athletes from north, middle, south, and east Taiwan. The results showed: Paternalistic leadership had the positive effect on team culture values; team socialization had the positive effect on team culture values, and part of paternalistic leadership effect on team culture values were moderated by team socialization. The fist two findings were fully supported to hypothesis and the third hypothesis was partial supported. Implications of these findings for theories of paternalistic leadership and team culture and for future relations were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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