


From Silence of an Invisible Figure to Tumult of Multiple Performances: On Cross-generational Influences of Intimacy of Father-and-son Relationship


陳安琪(An-Chi Chen);謝臥龍(Vincent Shieh)


親密關係 ; 父子關係 ; 跨世代 ; 父職角色 ; intimacy ; father-son relationship ; cross-generation ; fatherhood




42期(2009 / 06 / 01)


215 - 251




當台灣社會結構由農業演化至工商業型態,加上西風東漸,性別平權呼聲頓起,因應時勢之所趨,家庭結構遂由父子軸的大家庭逐漸轉移為夫妻軸核心家庭型態,當家庭內部人際運作法則由男性中心傾向性別平權、單向強勢流於雙向均勢、而個體自主取代集體意識之時,其中傳統與現代價值的銜接與轉換,不免導致家庭成員適應與協調上的兩難,有些父親雖然試圖與子女建立對等而親密的關係,然而長久浸濡中國儒家講求倫常秩序的文化規範,使得傳統上下支配的習慣仍繼續傳衍,「父不親教」、「父子之嚴,不可以狎」與「遠其子」的現象仍存在於許多父子關係中。 基於台灣社會變遷的脈絡,家庭意涵、功能與型態的演化,導致親子關係的質變,加上青少年身心問題日益受到重視與探究,當世代開始產生交替,處在傳統父子承衍主軸的文化信念與價值的中年男性,如何在女性主義掀起性別意識狂潮的波濤洶湧當中,在家庭結構、權力與地位的消長遷移之際,覺察與上代父親的互動,如何照應到與青春期兒子的親密關係,其中跨世代的轉變、演化與傳承,將是本研究所討論的主軸。 本研究為使受訪者能深度談說自身父子親密關係之跨世代影響,研究者採用質性研究之深度訪談法來蒐集資料,資料分析方式則以敘說分析法加以系統化地澄清。至於研究取樣,本研究採立意取樣與滾雪球取樣,邀請核心家庭中育有正處於國中階段之男孩,正值35歲至60歲之中年父親作為研究對象。 本研究結果呈現出五項跨世代父子親密關係的差異與影響:(1)敬而遠之的淡漠VS稱兄道弟的理想;(2)疏離與親情的糾結VS責任與親密的衝突;(3)委婉務實的照顧VS實際需要的回應;(4)負面的關懷VS多元的互動;(5)視域交融VS自我省思。


As the structure of Taiwanese society has been evolving from agricultural society to industrial and commercial one, and influenced by the western culture in the mean time, the call for gender equity suddenly arises. Responding to the circumstances, the family structure has been gradually transformed from a patriarchal extended family to nuclear family of husband-and-wife core. While relationship customs among family members ran from a male-centered pattern to gender equity, from one-way power to two-way balance of power, and individual independence has replaced collective consciousness, the connection and transition between traditional values and modern ones could not avoid the dilemma for family members to adapt themselves to the changes and to reconcilation. Although some fathers try to build equal and intimate relationship with their children, the dominance of traditional fatherhood still remains and is being passed on. For they have been asked for the cultural morality of ethic order required by Confucianism. Phenomenon of ”Fathers just don't teach sons themselves.” ”Fathers should treat their sons with austerity, and can't have fun with their children, ”and ”Fathers should keep distant with their children” still remains in many modern father-and-son relationships. Under the circumstance of change of Taiwanese society, the evolution of the meaning, function and pattern of family has led to the qualitative change of parentage. Meanwhile, the juvenile problems have been valued and explored more and more. As digenesis starts, how do the middle-aged males, inheriting their father positioned in the core of patriarchy cultural beliefs and values, apprehend how their interaction with their fathers influences their intimate relation with their juvenile sons in the waves of gender consciousness raised by feminism? The transformation, evolution and inheritance of intimacy across generations between fathers and sons are the focus of this research. To let the interviewees talk deeply about the cross-generational influence of their own father-son intimate relationships, the researcher adopt the depth interview of qualitative research for data gathering; the data analysis goes with narrative analysis for systematic clarification. As for the research sampling, this study adopts purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The objects invited in this research are middle-aged fathers between thirty-five and sixty in nuclear families with their sons attending junior high schools. This study represents five differences and influences of cross-generational intimacy of father-and-son relationship: (1) From detached indifference to dreaming of brotherhood; (2) From tangle of alienation and family love to conflict between; (3) responsibility and intimacy; (4) From euphemistically earthy care to practically necessary response; (5) From negative attention to multiple interaction; (6) From perspective fusion to personal reflection.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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