


Radical Representation in Models of Chinese Character Recognition


陳奕全(Yi-Chuan Chen);葉素玲(Su-Ling Yeh)


部首 ; 聲旁 ; 形聲字 ; 部件位置 ; 漢字辨識模型 ; semantic ; phonetic ; compound ; component position ; Chinese character recognition model




43期(2009 / 09 / 01)


177 - 205






Compared to English that are largely used as stimulus materials in developing word recognition models, Chinese characters provide the best contrast to test the adequacy of general models of word recognition. In this article, critical reviews on the role of radicals in Chinese character recognition and several important models are provided. The following issues are discussed: whether characters or radicals are the basic recognition units, what information (i.e., position or function) is carried by radicals during character recognition, and the role of phonetic radical in the pronunciation of character. In the end, a single-route model and a dual-route model as to whether radical representation is necessary for models of Chinese character recognition are proposed to serve as a theoretical framework for the evidence provided so far.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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