


Old Age, Gender, and Narrative: The Gendered Construction of Old Age


陳明莉(Ming-Li Chen)


老年 ; 性別建構 ; 敘事研究 ; 內容分析 ; old age ; gendered construction ; narrative studies ; content analysis




44期(2009 / 12 / 01)


147 - 188






The study aims to examine, from a life-context perspective, the construction and development of gender roles and gender traits among the elderly in Taiwan. By using the methods of in-depth interview, content analysis and narrative analysis with 138 samples of people over sixty-five years old, this study finds out: men's constructions of their past life were representative of gaining in contrast to women’s demonstration of lacking. In terms of the present life-space, old men come to be more withdrawn and introverted, but old women more were active and extroverted. Consequently, the different social constructions of gender roles, such as men/women, introverted/extroverted, active/passive and public/private, are becoming blurred. The constructive life-meanings of future among elderly males tend to be more acquisitive, abstracted and powerless; however, elderly females are more delicate, concrete, open and realistic. As a whole, for old men, ageing is a process of de-obligation which leads to a transformation of their lives and roles. For old women, ageing is a continuation of their lives and roles which leads to an extension of their life-world.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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