


Female Leadership and Communication: Gender Communication and the Construction of Organizational Cultures in Taiwan


秦琍琍(Li-Li Chin)


女性領導 ; 領導溝通 ; 性別傳播 ; 組織文化 ; 紮根理論 ; female leadership ; leadership communication ; gender communication ; organizational culture ; grounded theory




45期(2010 / 03 / 01)


173 - 202




本研究自企業組織中高階女性領導者的角度出發,探究領導、性別與傳播三者間如何相互聯結以建構出組織文化。為能瞭解這三個面向的關係,本研究透過質化研究取徑,蒐集深度訪談、組織文獻、以及田野筆記等多重的資料,並依循紮根理論與基礎隱喻分析的理念與方法,從建構組織真實的互動過程中,首先探究高階女性領導者對於自身角色以及組織經驗的詮釋為何;其次再檢視這些女性領導者是如何對其他組織成員進行溝通與領導;最後並進一步的理解高階女性領導者是如何透過溝通與互動來建構組織文化與真實。 研究發現儘管高階女性領導者對組織經驗的詮釋不同,但其自我認定為「團隊建立者」的角色,這使得她們重視團隊成員的感受和發展,並在決策與管理的過程中強調共識的凝聚和團隊精神以達成組織績效。因此,高階女性領導者除了以「營造良好的工作環境」為己任外,傾向從賦權和激勵的角度看待權力的運作,其溝通模式主要為強調互動式的「對話」與「說服」,並使用明確的溝通策略與步驟來管理衝突。 研究結果顯示女性領導者往往是更具自覺性與策略性的透過論述的實踐(即透過語言的使用和其它符號的建構),創造合適的互動情境以減少性別因素的負面影響並強化領導的效果。而她們的領導策略則主要是透過語藝性論述進行指導並建立人際關係網絡、以及透過跨界的行為穿梭於不同性別的群體與文化之中。


This research examined female executives' leadership and communication within organizations in Taiwan. The purposes of this study were to explore women executives' self identity, their leadership communication patterns, and how gender communication constructing organizational cultures. Study participants were 15 female executives and one of their subordinates. According to grounded theory and root-metaphor analysis, analyses of in-depth interviews, observations, and archival data revealed four themes related to the executives' leadership communication that show their identity as ”team builder” and leading through ”dialogue” and ”persuasion.” From participants' perspectives, leadership is worked out at the intersections of empowerment and control, where control is defined as interactive and personal rather than as competitive and distant. Implications of this study for leadership theory, research, and practice are offered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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