


Coparenting Patterns and Parenting Stress


林惠雅(Huey-Ya Lin)


共親職 ; 親職壓力 ; coparnting ; parenting stress




46期(2010 / 06 / 01)


125 - 151






The main goals of the present study were to investigate coparenting the effects of coparenting patterns and family characteristics on parenting stress. The subjects of the present study included 805 pairs of parents in Taipei City and Taipei County. These parents had at least one child who was 1(superscript st)-2(superscript nd) or 5(superscript th)-6(superscript th) graders in elementary school. Three instruments were used in the present study including ”Parenting Alliance Scale”, ”Parental Involvement Scale”, and ”Parenting Stress Scale”. The results showed, first of all, there were three coparenting patterns: ”support and involvement”, ”undermining and withdrawal”, and ”high maternal involvement”. Secondly, based on the analyses of family level, mothers experienced a higher level of parenting stress than fathers did. Compaed to parents in ”high maternal involvement pattern”, parents in ”support and involvement pattern” experienced a lower level of parenting stress in every aspect; however, parents in ”undermining and withdrawal” experienced a higher level of parenting stress in the ”parent-child relationship” aspect and a lower level of parenting stress in the ”health and development” aspect. As for the ”life adjustment” and ”parenting argument”, aspects of parenting stress, there were no significant differences between parents in ”high maternal involvement” and parents in ”undermining and withdrawal”. Finally, parents with lower father income experienced a higher level of parenting stress ing the ”parent-child relationship,” ”health and development,” and ”parenting argument” aspects parents with sons, or parents with fewer children, or mothers without full-time jobs expericened a higher level of parenting stress in the ”parent-child relationship” aspect; parents with 1(superscript st)-2(superscript nd) graders experienced a higher level of parenting stress in the ”life adjustment” aspect. The results showed that parents in ”support and involvement” experienced a lower level of parenting stress. Result of the present study provide implications for theory building and parenting practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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