The purpose of the study was to explore the lived experience of infertile women who later become mothers. This study was conducted via qualitative research method. During the process of the study, the researcher adopted the philosophical perspectives of hermeneutic phenomenology. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted to collect data. Those participants became pregnant following infertility treatments, and gave birth to their firstborns around 30-36years of age. With interviewees' intersubjective agreement the following four themes were identified as the result of thematic analyses: (a) The interviewees were aware of the fact that they had been unable to have a baby, but they kept waiting due to several reasons, e.g., pressure from their work or family, child-rearing problems, family economical situation...etc.. (b) The interviewees struggled to have a baby, and they were always confronted with high hopes and severe disappointment during the course of infertility treatments. (c) Upon learning of their pregnancies, the infertile women were often situated in an ”shocking”, ”surprising” and ”suspect” status. However, they simultaneously had to adjust their physical and mental changes. (d) Once the child came into the world with a cry, parents faced the impact of their new lives. Interviewees appeared depressed but at the same time enthusiastic over learning in parenthood.This article ended with reflections and implications for fertile choices, population planning and parent education.
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