


Becoming a Counselor: A Self Narrative Study


邱珍琬(Jane-Wan Chiu)


諮商人 ; 成長 ; 過程 ; 自我敘說 ; counselor ; growth ; process ; self-narrative




48期(2010 / 12 / 01)


141 - 180






This study attempts to explore the experiences and discoveries during the process of becoming a counselor. With self-narrative focus, results of data analyses are presented as different stages and themes. The stages include: Encountering counseling, career transition, Ohio experiences, reentering counseling, and after returning to Taiwan. The themes include: Accumulation of practical experiences, abundance and impact of cultural diversity, challenging personal prejudice and myths, cultural shock and adaptation, reflection of the richness of the diverse clients' lives, empathizing with the minorities and becoming an advocate on their behalf. My clients influence me the most as a professional, sharing with me the authentic life experiences and stories, allowing me to learn and mature through mistakes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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