


The Effect of Special Learning Orientation Training on Professional Commitment


孟慧(Hui Meng);沈聞佳(Wen-Jia Shen);韓瓊(Qiong Han);黃幗英(Guo-Ying Hang)


專業承諾 ; 學業自我效能感 ; 干預 ; 專業學習導向培訓 ; professional commitment ; academic self-efficacy ; intervention ; special learning orientation training




50期(2011 / 06 / 01)


121 - 146




本研究透過對某大專院校新入學的98名大學生進行專業學習導向的培訓,來探討培訓對專業承諾的影響,結果發現:(1)培訓對於實驗組的專業承諾確實產生了積極的干預作用,主要影響的是情感承諾;(2)專業期望、一般自我效能感、對所學專業的興趣和專業承諾之間存在顯著的正相關;(3)一般自我效能感、對所學專業的興趣和規範承諾、情感承諾和理想承諾三個子因素之間存在著顯著正相關,而和經濟承諾及機會承諾沒有顯著相關;(4)學業自我效能感在培訓干預專業承諾的過程中發揮著完全仲介作用(complete mediation effect)。鑒於此,本研究建議,大專院校應對新生進行必要的入學專業學習導向培訓,以保持和提高大學新生的專業承諾,促進其專業學習品質。


The authors report a quasi-experiment to investigate how a special learning orientation program for new college students may influence students' professional commitment. Ninety-eight college students from a university in an East-Coast city of the People's Republic of China served as participants. Results show that: (1) The effect of the special learning orientation training program on the students' professional commitment was significant, especially affective commitment; (2) professional commitment was found to be correlated with professional expectation, professional interest, and general self-efficacy; (3) professional interest and general self-efficacy were found to be correlated with normative commitment, affective commitment, and ideal commitment, but not with economic commitment or opportunity commitment; (4) a complete mediating effect of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between the special learning orientation training program and professional commitment was found. Finally, research implications as well as suggestions for how to improve the college freshmen's professional commitment are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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