


Educational Systems and Values: Factors Affecting the Dissemination of Human Rights Policies in Urban Junior High School in Taiwan


王叢桂(Chung-Kwei Wang);羅國英(Kuo-Ying Lo)


人權 ; 價值 ; human rights ; values




50期(2011 / 06 / 01)


147 - 189






The present study explores the factors that may impede the dissemination of human rights policies in the urban junior high school system in Taiwan. A bicultural self context approach was used to analyze the literature and the data obtained from interviews with teachers, parents and administrators of junior high school. We propose that hierarchical social oriented values inherited from Chinese traditions and the present educational systems that correspond to these values might impede teachers from accepting equal rights and individual-oriented human rights education. A radical change of our current education system toward equal rights and an individual-oriented system may not be possible. Instead, a dialectical approach that involves both parents and teachers is recommended.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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