


The Magic and Banality of Subject in Western Psychology: A Critical Examination of Knowledge


王波(Bo Wang)


主體 ; 心理學化 ; 客觀行動指向關係 ; 心理現象學 ; subject ; psychologization ; objective relations of intentional actions ; mental phenomenology




54期(2012 / 06 / 01)


133 - 175






The self-negation of subject since Descartes resulted in the bifurcations of psyche and nature. The psyche was subjectified (which also means the subjectification of philosophy), while nature was naturalized and a ”natural world” was separated from human beings. What followed was the psychologization of the psyche, namely, the psychologization of the practice of the human being, succeeded by the naturalization of the psyche. The psychologized modern Western psychology was the necessary result of the subjectification of the psyche. The subjectification followed two courses: objective and subjective, deeply shaping modern Western psychology. Reflections on this reveal a new horizon of psychology based on mental phenomenology, situated in ”objective relations of intentional actions.”

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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