The aim of this article was to describe and interpret the concept, essence, and meaning of temporality for cancer patients in their lived world. The temporality structure of cancer patients in their lived world involves three levels that are consistent with Husserl's argument: (1) objective time; (2) subjective time; and (3) the consciousness of internal time. During the period of illness and treatment, patients feel that their ”lived time” has been distorted. To the object of illness, they tend to focus on the uniqueness, innerness, and distortion of the order of events as well as the span of time. Patients are swamped in their living present, and lost in the past and the future. This article contributes to the literature by illustrating the temporality structure of patients' lived world and demonstrating the uniqueness and the individuality of the patients. We hope it will help healthcare providers realize how patients perceive their lived time during the illness experience. By understanding the temporality structure of the patients' lived world, professionals can further comprehend the suffering of patients who are in their final stages of cancer, and hopefully provide empathy and companionship in a more effective manner.
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