


Temporality Issues of Cancer Patients in Their Illness Experiences


楊婉萍(Wan-Ping Yang);趙可式(Co-Shi Chao);龔卓軍(Jow-Jiun Gong);賴維淑(Wei-Shu Lai)


癌症病人 ; 被體驗的世界 ; 胡塞爾現象學 ; 時間性 ; 生病經驗 ; advanced cancer patients ; lived world ; temporality ; Husserl's phenomenology ; illness experience




54期(2012 / 06 / 01)


53 - 73




本文以生病經驗之時間性為主題,從實務經驗描寫與詮釋被癌症病人體驗的世界(lived world)之時間性本質與內涵。被癌症病人體驗的世界之時間結構符合胡塞爾所提出之三層次:客體時間(objective time)、主體時間(subjective time)與內在時間意識(the consciousness of internal time)。病人在面對生病經驗、治療過程時,經歷被體驗的時間(lived time)的感覺被顛覆。對生病主體而言,他關注自我的、內在的、扭曲的時間順序與長短,過去與未來被抹去,陷在當下(the living present)。本文之貢獻在於深入展示了被病人體驗世界之時間結構,呈現其獨特性與個別性。相較於專業助人者習慣以客體時間(例如:疾病史)來看待病人之生病經驗,有助於專業助人者深入了解癌症晚期病人其被體驗的世界裡之時間結構,以更理解病人的苦難,而能有效的同理及陪伴病人。


The aim of this article was to describe and interpret the concept, essence, and meaning of temporality for cancer patients in their lived world. The temporality structure of cancer patients in their lived world involves three levels that are consistent with Husserl's argument: (1) objective time; (2) subjective time; and (3) the consciousness of internal time. During the period of illness and treatment, patients feel that their ”lived time” has been distorted. To the object of illness, they tend to focus on the uniqueness, innerness, and distortion of the order of events as well as the span of time. Patients are swamped in their living present, and lost in the past and the future. This article contributes to the literature by illustrating the temporality structure of patients' lived world and demonstrating the uniqueness and the individuality of the patients. We hope it will help healthcare providers realize how patients perceive their lived time during the illness experience. By understanding the temporality structure of the patients' lived world, professionals can further comprehend the suffering of patients who are in their final stages of cancer, and hopefully provide empathy and companionship in a more effective manner.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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