


On the Possibility of Mind: From the Perspective of the Critique of Political Economy


王波(Bo Wang)


政治經濟學批判 ; 意識的內在性 ; 心理 ; 感性對象性活動 ; 現成性把握 ; the critique of political economy ; the immanence of consciousness ; mind ; the sensuous-objective (gegenständliche) activity ; ready-made perception of the object




57期(2013 / 03 / 01)


155 - 215






The political economic studies of the possibility of psychology require a re-clarification of the premise and boundaries of psychology from the perspective of Marx's critique of political economy. Starting from the problem of the immanence of consciousness invented by Descartes, the present article combs the consistent thread of intellectual history from Wundt to Marx to elaborate how modern psychology pioneered by Wundt is deeply rooted in the Cartesian immanence of consciousness. Marx broke the deadlock of the immanence of consciousness via his sensuous-objective (gegenständliche) activity so as to provide a critical framework to clarify the premise and the boundaries of psychology and to identify why the mind is a modern concept and psychology a modern discipline. It is the universal deployment of capitalism in the global space and modern times ”down to earth” that is secretly articulated with this sort of pure intellectual logic above in the ”speculative kingdom of heaven.” In complicity with capitalism, mind and psychology as the most flexible agenda which substitute revolution, they keep producing and reproducing the citizen-subjects which are compatible with the global system of capitalism and thus become a more disguised new form of capitalist governance. And it is only through the critique of political economy that this kind of profound judgment at the level of historical epistemology can be obtained.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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