


The Difficulties and Solutions beyond the Multiple Roles Dilemma for Doctoral Mom


吳珮瑀(Pei-Yu Wu);吳佳慧(Chia-Hui Wu);蕭高明(Kao-Ming Hsia)


女性 ; 博士生 ; 多重角色 ; 互為主體性的同意 ; women ; doctoral Mom ; multiple roles ; inter-subjective agreement




57期(2013 / 03 / 01)


31 - 75




六、七○年代新女性主義者認為女性仍因受限於傳統性別角色束縛,無法展現其自我肯定的一陎(Horner, 1969, 1972)。本文以進修博士學位的媽媽們如何在教職、母職、賢妻、孝順女兒及稱職媳婦等多重角色要求當中,放下傳統限制女性發展的藩籬,尋求學歷的提升與個人的成功。採質性研究的主題分析法(thematic analysis)分析步驟,並以互為主體間的同意(inter- subjective agreement)為原則,發展出共同主題。研究結果顯示女博士生因下列考量走上博士之路:(1)工作要求、(2)自我實現需求、(3)榮耀家人、(4)同儕參照等。在博士之路的進程上大抵遇到下列困境:(1)媽媽角色的衝突、(2)婚姻關係的改變、(3)工作品質的降低、(4)課業學習的壓力、(5)身體健康的影響、(6)時間分配捉襟見肘。博士之路的困境雖多是預期之中的角色衝突與角色負荷,受訪的媽媽博士生們以智慧和毅力做了如下的調適:(1)物理性外在資源的協助、(2)心理性外在資源的協助、(3)時間切割與規劃、(4)認知上的調整與因應、(5)自我提醒-為實現自我而前進。女性堅韌的特質在這些媽媽博士生身上因困境與挑戰而激發出各樣的適應之道,人類潛能的發揮在自我實現需求的驅策之下顯得更加耀眼。


The new feminism think women are still constrained to traditional gender roles, which impede them to develop self-affirmation (Horner, 1969, 1972). When pursue academic and personal achievement, they may face the dilemma among many roles. How can women with multiples roles break through the traditional barriers and achieve academic development? The purpose of this article is to explore the experiences of women with multiple roles in their doctoral study.The thematic analysis method is accepted and by intersubjective agreement, several concerned themes emerged. Three female doctor degree students with at least one child in school were interviewed. The results showed that with following reasons they embark to pursue doctorate, (1) the demand of job, (2) self-actualization, (3) the expectations of family, and (4) peer inference. Several difficulties were encountered: (1) conflicts in motherhood, (2) changes in marital relationships, (3) reduction in work quality, (4) the pressure of academic learning, (5) the impact on health, (6) time management. Interviewed participants adjusted their doctorate students' career by using the following methods: (1) seeking external assistance, (2) seeking external psychological resources, (3) proper time planning, (4) cognitive coping strategies, (5) self-encouragement. Perseverance characteristic endowed in theses mother students, assist them to overcome difficulties and challenges, and develop adjust skills to self-realization.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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